20. – 22. May 2022
Concorso d’Eleganza Villa d’Este 2022.

Cernobbio, Italy.
On 20 – 22 May 2022, BMW Group Classic and the prestigious Villa d’Este grand hotel on the shores of Lake Como will welcome visitors to the Concorso d’Eleganza – one of the most exclusive and tradition-rich beauty contests for historic automobiles.
On 18 May the Prelude Tour launch event will start from nearby Milan for the first time. The wide array of participating vehicles can be admired along the route from Milan to Lake Como and finally at Cernobbio’s harbour.
Around 50 classic models will then vie for top honours in their respective categories as well as for the time-honoured Coppa d’Oro Villa d’Este and the coveted Trofeo BMW Group awarded to the “Best of Show”.
Those wishing to attend the parade and subsequent awards ceremony in the atmospheric surrounds of the grand hotel either on Saturday, 21 May or Sunday, 22 May can purchase tickets for the event in advance for the first time: www.concorsodeleganzavilladeste.com/packages-tickets/.
For more information on the event go to www.concorsodeleganzavilladeste.com.